Drowsy Chaperone Opening Night Gala Ticket


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About The Loft Stage Gala

What is the Opening Night Gala?  The Opening Night Gala is the primary fundraiser for the Loft Stage Boosters.  The opening Night Gala is a red carpet event with a laid back atmosphere featuring live music, kid friendly drinks and appetizers provided by T. Morris.  There will be a silent auction and opportunities to buy Loft Stage merchandise as well.  You will be surprised when a high school lunchroom is transformed into a Drowsy Chaperone inspired ballroom.

When and where is the Gala?  The festivities take place in the East Ridge High School cafeteria on Friday, November 1st and begin at 6:00 PM.  The opening night performance of The Drowsy Chaperone begins at 7:30 PM.  Tickets for the Gala are $10 for everyone.  A separate ticket is required to get into The Drowsy Chaperone, but going to the Gala will be well worth it for Great Food from T. Morris and Live Entertainment.

Do I need to dress up?  No need to pull out that formal gown or tux!  Nice casual or dressy is just fine.

What is the Silent Auction?  The Silent Auction is the Loft Stage Booster’s largest individual fundraiser of the year and is part of the opening night Gala.  Please come see the wonderful baskets and gifts and place a bid!  Major credit cards, checks and cash are accepted.